Friday, May 28, 2010

The Madness Continues....

I am, as the Brits like to say, gobsmacked. I was doing a turn around the garden this evening, and to my shock I discovered that I am likely to have lavender blooming before this month has completely ended. Lavender in May - that's one for the books. As if it wasn't weird enough to have roses blooming before the end of May (that's at least happened before in very warm years) and possibly having delphinium blooming as well, now I have lavender??. If this keeps up, my garden won't have a bleedin' thing in bloom by the end of June. I've never seen the like. Now what was that about global warming being a myth?


  1. You seem to be experiencing what we've been seeing in the South this spring. Everything is out of sync with its usual bloom period. A well-respected extension agent in this area said he thinks it's a result of the unusually cold and wet winter.

  2. It's so strange, Tim - everything is a good two weeks ahead of normal. And more than that in some cases. I'm not sure that we can blame the winter in my area. While we were lower than average for snowfall, temperature-wise it was pretty normal. I think here it may be due to a lack of rainfall and warmer temperatures. We're at least an inch and a half below normal rainfall. Consequently, everything seems to be in a hurry to achieve its destiny, and the bloom parade keeps accelerating!
