Saturday, June 13, 2009

A Plethora of Plants

Due to a number of circumstances beyond my control, I have gotten way, way behind in all things gardening. At one point, between plants acquired by catalog, various outings and what I started by seed, I had 8 trays of plants sitting around the patio. I did manage to whittle it down over the last week to two trays (one of sun-lovers and one of shade-lovers). I was finally beginning to feel that the light at the end of the tunnel wasn't an oncoming freight train after all. And what did I do this weekend? Get more planting done and clear off the patio? Hell, no - I went out yesterday and today and - wait for it - bought plants. Yesterday some visiting relatives and I went out to an iris farm near here (dig your own) and came home with 6 (count 'em, 6) different Siberian iris. Couldn't help that. The man does a lot of hybridizing, and he had some beauties. Today, my garden club went on a tour of a small but elegant family nursery, and they had a couple of choice annual salvias and the variety of mockorange that my parents had, which I've been searching for for years. Well, I ask you - what else could I do but come home with them? They were not only speaking to me, they were bloody bellowing at me. All I can say is, stop me before I buy again!!

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