Saturday, January 16, 2010

Dreaming Green Dreams

Well, the mountain of catalogs has now been sorted (Dear God, how our mailman must hate us!) into seeds and plants, and the arduous process of ordering has begun. This is not something that is accomplished easily - there is method to the madness. First I go through every catalog and write down anything and everything that catches my fancy. Nothing is off limits; budgets do not apply. It's the grownup equivalent of a kid's list to Santa. Then, after the initial frenzy, I go back through as an adult and start reconsidering, comparing prices, etc., etc. - and driving my long-suffering spouse nuts with my breathless updates as to how much I've managed to whittle down the cost per catalog. (His view runs along the lines of, "Just buy it, for God's sake".) After much dithering and gnashing of teeth, the seeds are purchased - and then it starts all over again with plant catalogs. Right now, I'm about halfway though the seed catalogs (Phase 1), but I got slowed down looking through Nichols Garden Nursery catalog and their impressive selection of herbs. The basil section did me in. I love basil, and they have so many different kinds this year! I started visualizing pots of basil, basil among the borders, basil in bouquets (Purple Ruffles) - in short, I spent half an hour just dreaming green dreams.

1 comment:

  1. I always find myself marking at least one item per page, then needing to thin my "wish list". Even then, it's always a challenge to get them all into the ground. Fortunately each year brings new opportunity!
